Sat.Mar 30, 2013 - Fri.Apr 05, 2013

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Amazing career paths for PAs

Practically Perfect PA

So I have some big news to share with everyone today… are you ready? Okay, well… I’ve just quit my job! *Gulp* On top of that I’ve just informed my landlord that I am moving out of my house *gulp gulp* and I’ve just told my friends and family I’m going to be moving out of London *sweaty palms*… I don’t normally spend a huge amount of time talking specifically about myself on the blog, I’d much rather share my experiences and things I’ve

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Would You Rather be Good or Great?

Virtual Moxie

Last weekend, Dominic and I went to see Oz the Great and Powerful. We both really enjoyed it, although I thought the monkeys were over-the-top scary! At one point in the movie, Glinda and Oz share a moment that went like this: Glinda : “I knew you had it in you all along.” Oz : “What…greatness?" Glinda : "No, something better than that. Goodness.". It was, I admit, the best moment in the movie for me.

Training 186

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Quiz: Are You Ethically Challenged?

Eat Your Career

For some, ethics are black and white. For others, there are all kinds of grey areas. Perhaps you live by a strict moral code. Or maybe you just go on gut instinct. However you define your ethical standards, it’s important to perform your job with integrity. This means basing your decisions and actions on a consistent framework of values and principles.

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Word of Mouth is How Freelancers Find Jobs

Small Business Labs

It's not surprising that independent workers (freelancers, temps, self-employed, etc.) rely on word of mouth/referrals for getting business. What is a bit surprising is just how important word of mouth is compared to other methods. Survey data from the MBO State of Independence study shows that 67% of independent worker respondents listed word of mouth as the most important source for getting assignments.

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Grow Big, Pay Smart: How To Unlock Efficiency In Payroll Management

Speaker: Joe Sharpe and James Carlson

Running a small business is no small feat. Payroll management, in particular, can be one of the most time-consuming and complex parts of that equation. Yet, businesses that crack the code on streamlining these processes often discover not just savings, but new avenues for growth. Our expert speakers will share actionable insights and real-world examples of how businesses have reduced overhead and improved payroll efficiency.

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Top 5 Tips for Promoting Your Business with Videos

The Small Business Blog

As a small business you probably don’t have a large budget for advertising. In fact, you probably don’t even have an advertising budget. Thankfully one of the most effective methods of online marketing – video – is actually really cheap to produce. With a bit of creativity, your promotional videos could be seen on a… Read the full article here: Top 5 Tips for Promoting Your Business with Videos on: THE SMALL BUSINESS BLOG.

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Go Green at the Restaurant

Eco-Office Gals

As a local restaurant owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate (pun intended). From open until close, you have to play chef, matradee, custodian and customer psychologist all at the same time. It’s a taxing job, but rewarding nonetheless. Of course, with all the hustle and bustle that comes with restaurant ownership, it’s easy to glance over your establishment’s environmental footprint.

More Trending

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The Rise of Gen X Independents

Small Business Labs

Generation X (ages 33-48) encompasses roughly 50 million Americans born between 1965 and 1980. This generation is sandwiched between two much larger generations - the Baby Boomers and Gen Y. There are almost 80 million Baby Boomers (born 1946 to 1964) and bit more than 75 million Gen Yers (born 1980 to 2000).   We often refer to Gen X as the Rodney Dangerfield generation.

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Exclusive: New Trade Agreement To Boost Entrepreneurship

The Small Business Blog

New Trade Agreement Will Boost UK-US Entrepreneurship? April 1st 2013 Best Practice Unconfirmed sources suggest that the UK and US have reached an agreement which will be the most significant trade agreement since NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) was signed in 1994 between the US, Canada and Mexico. The driver for the agreement is… Read the full article here: Exclusive: New Trade Agreement To Boost Entrepreneurship on: THE SMALL BUSINESS BLOG.

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Going Green Pays

Eco-Office Gals

A lot of people want to be eco-friendly , but they’re either not sure where to begin, they think it’s too much work, or they think it will cost too much money. With the huge advancements we’ve made in energy saving programs within the last few years, these concerns are no longer valid for most families across the nation. There is a ton of ways that families can now become more energy efficient while not spending a lot of money and in many cases, even saving quite a bit of money.

2012 152
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How do you stay organized?

Laughing all the Way to Work

I replied to this question on a Linked In forum so thought it was worth repeating here. If I was an employer, I would want to ask this question of any admin who was applying at my organization. Since it is almost second nature to most admins to be organized it is sometimes difficult to answer, but it is just for this reason that it needs to be asked.

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Mastering Remote Onboarding: Proven Strategies for Seamless New Hire Integration

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

Join this brand new webinar with Tim Buteyn to learn how you can master the art of remote onboarding! By the end of this session, you'll understand how to: Craft a Tailored Onboarding Checklist 📝 Develop a comprehensive, customized checklist that ensures every new hire has a smooth transition into your company, no matter where they are in the world.

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3 Systems to Set Up When You Don’t Know Where to Start

Office Organization Success

Recently I held a laser consulting call with a client, and she basically came on the phone and said to me, “Tracey, I’m surrounded by paper. I don’t even know where to start to get organized.”. Sound familiar? I know for many of you this is a big issue. And “just not knowing where to start” when it comes to running your business is a major source of overwhelm in itself.

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Remote Working: Yes, No or Maybe?

The Small Business Blog

Most bosses have a strong opinion about whether or not they want their staff to be able to work from home or not. If you were Yahoo CEO Marissa Meyer, you would be firmly on the “no” side of the debate so that you would have greater hands-on control over your workforce. However if you… Read the full article here: Remote Working: Yes, No or Maybe?

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California Small Business Crowdfunding Initiative

Small Business Labs

The California Association of Micro Enterprise Organizations (CAMEO) is partnering with microlending pioneer Kiva to bring more crowdfunded microloans to small businesses in California. CAMEO is already the largest microlending network in California. CAMEO network members provide entrepreneurs with small and micro-business financing as well as technical and advisory assistance and business management training.

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Moxie Tip 344: A Smart Question to Ask a Prospective Client

Virtual Moxie

You want to work with clients who can easily afford your fee and who can reliably pay you each month. On time. Clients who are living hand-to-mouth can’t do that. How can you tell where a client is financially? Ask. Great language to use would be, "I only work with clients whose businesses are financially healthy and who know they can easily afford to work with me long term.

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Unlock Your Productivity: Simple Steps for Every Professional

Unlock your full potential with our comprehensive guide on productivity. This detailed resource explores the three fundamental pillars of effective task management: Todo List Mastery, Time Management, and Habit Optimization. Learn to capture and prioritize your tasks effectively, schedule them using proven strategies like the Pomodoro Technique, and maintain your productivity through consistent habit tracking.

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If You Don’t Know Where To Start When Setting Up Your Systems

Office Organization Success

Spring break week here! And the week started off in the most un-Spring-like fashion with us having about four inches of snow! Still, it didn’t stop me taking the boys on a shopping trip to Toledo for the day to get them some shorts and t-shirts ready for when the nice weather does come. Even though my work hours have been limited this week, it hasn’t stopped me making the most of the time I’ve been in my office.

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UK insolvencies at lowest level since 2005

The Small Business Blog

'Some great news for anyone thinking about starting their own business now: the number of insolvencies in the first quarter of 2013 have fallen to their lowest level since 2005 according to a study by PriceWaterhouseCoopers. There were 3,285 insolvencies in the first three months of this year, a big drop from the same period… Read the full article here: UK insolvencies at lowest level since 2005 on: THE SMALL BUSINESS BLOG.

2005 153
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Media a Barbell Industry

Small Business Labs

Paid Content has an interesting article on media becoming a barbell industry.   Barbell industry structures consist of a relatively few giant corporations on one end, a narrow middle consisting of a shrinking number of mid-sized firms, and a large and growing number of small, micro and one person (solopreneur) firms on the other end. We've looked at dozens of industries and all have this structure or are moving to it.   The Paid Content article points out that large media f

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The Best Administrative Assistant Resources

Office Dynamics

Office Dynamics has been named a best administrative assistant resource online - twice! Yes, that's right, twice. Voted in by administrative assistants saying that we are a " best administrative assistant resource " out there on the world wide web means a lot to us. That's cause for celebration, right? First, just a few months ago by Executive Assistant and Blogger, Nicky Christmas.

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Elevating the Virtual Interviewing Experience

Sharing your authentic self in a virtual interview can be an unwanted challenge. How do you break through the digital barrier when conducting a virtual interview and share your exceptional self? Think in unconventional ways to elevate the virtual interviewing experience.

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Moxie Tip 343: No Loans

Virtual Moxie

You’re not a bank. Working but not being paid on time is tantamount to floating the client a loan. You can’t really afford to do that.

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What does the future hold for small business technology?

The Small Business Blog

At The Small Business Blog we always try to keep up-to-date with the latest technology, especially if it involves tech that could leverage an advantage for small businesses. Five years ago you probably would not have expected the smartphone to have an impact on your business, but now many small business owners work from home… Read the full article here: What does the future hold for small business technology?

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Many Business Owners Are Afraid To Do This

Office Organization Success

Many business owners are afraid to create an ideal client profile, believing that if they do, they’ll limit themselves in terms of not getting enough clients, so instead they market to “ everyone “ So what happens… They still continue to struggle. They don’t have enough clients. They don’t make nearly the amount of income that they want to make.

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January is Get Organized Month!

Clutter Coach

Originally posted 2010-01-14 11:23:00. Republished by Blog Post Promoter What? But it's already nearly half over! Claire, why didn't you tell me this before??? Relax. Get Organized month is a just a friendly reminder that you should start working on that organizing project. What I want to emphasize today is to keep it simple. Pick just one thing that you can actually get done this month.

Budget 116
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Mandatory COVID Vaccination Policy Template

New vaccine mandates and testing policies will affect employers with more than 100 workers. Get Paycor’s free, customizable vaccination policy template to communicate critical details and new requirements to your employees. Get Paycor’s Template today!

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Moxie Tip 346: Conversations About Late Payments

Virtual Moxie

'If a client pays you late more than once, it’s up to you to have a conversation about it. Not an email, not a voicemail, not an IM…a conversation. It could be that the client has forgotten a promise to pay you in a certain way. It could be that the client believed you two made a different agreement about when she’d pay you. But finding out, and resolving things, starts with a conversation.

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Learning your weaknesses as an entrepreneur

The Small Business Blog

Even the greatest entrepreneurial minds in history are not infallible. Richard Branson and even the great Steve Jobs made mistakes on their path to glory. That’s why it is important for every entrepreneur to recognise their own weak areas so that they can either work on improving them or add someone to their team with… Read the full article here: Learning your weaknesses as an entrepreneur on: THE SMALL BUSINESS BLOG.

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Join Me TODAY!

Office Organization Success

Join me TODAY for The Feminine Reinvention: From Day Job to Dream Business Telesummit. Are you growing your side business around your 9-5 job and feel like it’s time to make the leap but you just don’t know how? Join me and eleven other women solopreneurs as we pull back the curtains on what it’s like to transition from a day job to thriving freedom based dream business.

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Pave Your Road to Success With Solid Support

Step It Up VA Coaching

'by Donna Toothaker. Being the CEO of my own business is a dream come true for me. It has been quite a ride, and I am so blessed to be where I am today. I look back at those early days when I was struggling to get the business going, and then I see how far I’ve come, and I’m proud of myself. And yes, it’s perfectly okay to be proud of the work you do when it’s honest work done with the right intentions.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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Moxie Tip 345: Tolerating Late Payments

Virtual Moxie

If a client's business isn't financially healthy, in the general hierarchy of life, you will always be one of the last to be paid with whatever the available funds are. First will be her shelter, then food, then any services to keep life and work going that she can’t do without, and somewhere below that is you. I do realize that problems flow from one person to the next, but they don't have to flow to you.

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Twitter on the prowl or “How I lost 20,000 followers in a week”

The Small Business Blog

'I don’t check my followers on Twitter very regularly but I’ve noticed that at some point between Easter Monday and this afternoon on Friday, I have lost nearly 20,000 of them. But far from being annoyed, I’m actually glad. Twenty thousand is a massive amount of people and you might think I would be angry… Read the full article here: Twitter on the prowl or “How I lost 20,000 followers in a week” on: THE SMALL BUSINESS BLOG.

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How My Mother Helped Shape My Work


My family and I just finished an incredible long weekend, one that was both fun and productive. So as this new week (essentially) begins today, I thought I’d so something a little different today. You see, today is my Mom’s birthday. She’s been a big supporter of me and my work, and I wrote a dedication to her in my book. So I’m going to publish that dedication today.

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3 Ways to Tell Whether Your Business Needs a Mobile App

Small Business CEO

You may be considering developing a mobile app for your small business. While apps have the potential to increase your profits, consider whether this tool will really benefit your business. 1. Will your customers use the app? Don’t develop an app just for the sake of having one. If there is no value in it for your audience, it will not be used. Before you have an app developed, consider what it will do for your customers.

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Is Training the Right Solution?

Speaker: Tim Buteyn

Let's set the scene: you’ve identified a critical performance gap in your organization and need to close that gap. A colleague suggests training, but you suspect there’s something going on that training can’t address. How can you determine if training is the right solution before you commit your budget and resources to a new training program? In this webinar, you will learn how to determine if training is the right solution using the Behavior Engineering Model.