January, 2008

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No Business Plan Needed To Start Small Business! | THE SMALL.

The Small Business Blog

E-Mail me or follow me. What is Small Business Infrastructure? How to be successful by focusing on your core business. How to be successful and eco-friendly. Making your small business carbon neutral. Starting a Small Business? On-Demand Small Business Infrastructure™ allows you to run your business online. Build your own network! Community for small business outsourcing and cost control.

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The Art of Minute Taking

Laughing all the Way to Work

Minute taking is an art! Anyone who is good at it is to be commended. I have never had to take minutes, but I almost did many years ago. My boss came to my desk and told me he needed me to take minutes for a meeting. I was not aware of the meeting so I wasn't prepared. I started to sweat and my heart started pumping as I mumbled something about it being a long time since I had taken minutes and he had better tell me when I needed to write something down.

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Juggling Multiple Tasks, Bosses

On The Job

It’s no secret that many of us are doing twice -- if not three or four times -- the amount of work we were doing a few years ago. Downsizings and layoffs and the reliance on teams have caused organizations to ask each individual to perform a multitude of tasks, many of them simultaneously. And, of course, with all that works comes a lot of stress. Trying to find enough hours in the day to complete demanding projects while trying to please bosses and customers is a daunting task.

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Want to Decorate Your Cubicle/Office?

Professional Assistant Blog

Home About Me Advertise Want to Decorate Your Cubicle/Office? By The Professional Assistant on Friday, January 11, 2008 Filed Under: Organize , Productivity D o you want to decorate your cubicle/office? Are you worried that you might put things up that are not appropriate for the office? I recently had someone ask me how they should go about decorating their cubicle.

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Navigating Payroll Compliance: Future-Proofing Payroll in an Evolving Regulatory Landscape

Speaker: Jennifer Hill

Payroll compliance is a cornerstone of business success, yet for small and midsize businesses, it’s becoming increasingly challenging to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of federal, state, and local regulations. Mistakes can lead to costly penalties and operational disruptions, making it essential to adopt advanced solutions that ensure accuracy and efficiency.

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Decline of Small Business Sector in the UK! | THE SMALL BUSINESS BLOG

The Small Business Blog

E-Mail me or follow me. Enhance Your Work-Life Balance Have it all your way – family, friends, work and most of all a life! Starting a Small Business? On-Demand Small Business Infrastructure™ allows you to run your business online. Effective Small Business Planning Strategy Planning your small business is the best way to avoid costly mistakes.

2008 146
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The Workplace Mentors From Hell

On The Job

I've never had a discussion about mentoring without someone offering a story about the mentor from hell. Stories of micromanagement, hostility, uninvolvment or just plain weirdness are some of the tales of woe from the mentees. The most difficult situation is when the mentee can't find a way to put an end to the relationship. Finding a way to be diplomatic and not totally sabatoging a career while ditching a mentor at the first opportunity can be tough.

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Polishing Your Presentation Skills

On The Job

The last time you gave a presentation did you claim that the reason the audience dozed off was because of a stuffy room, too much lunch, or perhaps some weird sleep disorder? If you did, perhaps it’s time to go to the true source of the audience snores -- you. One of the biggest mistakes people make when putting together a presentation is that they sit down at their computer and begin writing a speech with long sentences and big words.

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Cubicle Pranks and Other Work Misadventures

On The Job

I'm still waiting on the Kennedy family to endorse this blog, but until then, let's see what I can round up for this Tidbit Tuesday: * That will teach you to go on vacation: If you want to see the ultimate cubicle prank, check out this posting from the folks at TechRepublic. Personally, it's my idea of a great place to work -- I think everyone is going to want the same thing. * Where's my sweater?

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My 25-Cent Career Investment

On The Job

Today, I put five nickels in my pocket. Now, you may be thinking that five nickels (25 cents) won't do me much good. After all, there is hardly anything that can be purchased for that amount, not even a stamp. But I believe my five nickels are going to buy me a lot. I believe that 25 cents, which I found rattling around at the bottom of my purse, will by the end of the day have a) made me feel good; b) be a great investment in my career; and c) perhaps help someone else do great things.

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Out-of-Office Blog Assistant

Laughing all the Way to Work

I am officially on vacation for a week so this will be my only post until I get back on Monday, February 4th. Consider this my blog version of an Out of Office Assistant. Why is it when you decide to take some time off it seems like you couldn't have managed another day? I finally finished putting my desk in order for my replacement. Which is probably along the same lines as people who hire a cleaning service to clean their homes, and then they proceed to clean it before the cleaners get there.

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Mastering Remote Onboarding: Proven Strategies for Seamless New Hire Integration

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

Join this brand new webinar with Tim Buteyn to learn how you can master the art of remote onboarding! By the end of this session, you'll understand how to: Craft a Tailored Onboarding Checklist 📝 Develop a comprehensive, customized checklist that ensures every new hire has a smooth transition into your company, no matter where they are in the world.

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Job Happiness Means Seizing Opportunities

On The Job

If you were good with numbers when you were in high school, a career guidance counselor or teacher probably steered you toward becoming an accounting major in college. Or, if you showed a flair for working with children, perhaps a counselor recommended a career in teaching. But you may be discovering as you advance in your career that you have been steered down the wrong path.

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Using Short Forms in Business Writing?

Laughing all the Way to Work

In writing, it all depends on who your audience is. In personal e-mails and letters I will write don’t, can’t, doesn’t, etc., but in a business letter that would be a no-no and I would always spell the words out. Business writing is considered more formal. In e-mail it can be less formal and if writing an internal e-mail I would use a short form, but when writing an e-mail to a client outside of my company I would be more formal and write the words out.

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Latin Anyone?

Laughing all the Way to Work

Here are a few Latin words that will come in handy if you work in a legal office: bona fide means good faith prima facie means first glance res judicata means been determined res ipsa loquitor means the thing speaks for itself (rarely used) ex facie means on the face of it and et cetera is Latin meaning other things of that type Tip : When Latin words are used in a document they should be italicized.

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Micro Business, Recession and Exporting. | THE SMALL BUSINESS BLOG

The Small Business Blog

E-Mail me or follow me. How to be successful and eco-friendly. Making your small business carbon neutral. You ask a question, I answer! Ask me your small business questions, I will answer them ASAP. Small Business Bootstrapping How to start your own small business with no or little money. Effective Small Business Planning Strategy Planning your small business is the best way to avoid costly mistakes.

2008 100
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Unlock Your Productivity: Simple Steps for Every Professional

Unlock your full potential with our comprehensive guide on productivity. This detailed resource explores the three fundamental pillars of effective task management: Todo List Mastery, Time Management, and Habit Optimization. Learn to capture and prioritize your tasks effectively, schedule them using proven strategies like the Pomodoro Technique, and maintain your productivity through consistent habit tracking.

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Boomers, Buzzwords and Elephants.Oh, My!

On The Job

Well, as many of you may have noticed, I wasn't nominated for an Oscar this year, but I'm not going to be upset about it. After all, I really didn't have a thing to wear, and now I have more time to devote to this week's Tidbit Tuesday. So, without further ado, here are my nominations for interesting news items: * Thinking about Dumbo: A survey found the the "Most Outrageous, Offensive and Illegal Interview Questions” ever asked during a job interview include: "Would you be available from time t

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Overcoming Fear of Success

On The Job

One of the great things about being a journalist is that you get to ask a lot of questions and people (generally) don't get annoyed with you. Since I've been covering the workplace for more than 15 years, I've spent a lot of time asking some very smart and wise people about a wide variety of issues, ranging from how to get a promotion to how to handle a bully boss to how to get along with co-workers.

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Becoming a Go-To Assistant

Laughing all the Way to Work

It is exciting when you get the call telling you that you were selected for the job. There is a lot of work that goes into preparing for the interview and to know that you were successful is a great feeling. You will want to be the best that you can be. Here are some things you can think about as you continue in your career whether you’ve been on the job one week or 20 years.

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Contributing to Dr. King's Dream

On The Job

As we celebrate and remember the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today, I want to share with you some insight I received from an author and diversity expert I once interviewed. R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr. explained to me me that many people believe that a workplace has become diverse when people of color or women are present at different organizational levels.

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Elevating the Virtual Interviewing Experience

Sharing your authentic self in a virtual interview can be an unwanted challenge. How do you break through the digital barrier when conducting a virtual interview and share your exceptional self? Think in unconventional ways to elevate the virtual interviewing experience.

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Smell and Tell

Laughing all the Way to Work

What would you do if a co-worker came up to you and asked you if they had body odour? What if someone you work with does have body odour and hasn’t asked you? How do you handle it and what should you do? The first scenario happened to me many years ago. A woman I worked with told me that someone had mentioned to her that she had body odour. I was a young woman at the time and unfortunately didn’t know how to reply.

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Q&A: What do you think the key factors are for small business.

The Small Business Blog

E-Mail me or follow me. How to be successful and eco-friendly. Making your small business carbon neutral. You ask a question, I answer! Ask me your small business questions, I will answer them ASAP. Starting a Small Business? On-Demand Small Business Infrastructure™ allows you to run your business online. Benefits of Online Software for Small Business.

2008 100
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Protecting Your Job in Tough Times

On The Job

I've spent the last week talking to a lot of people about the economy, and their predictions about where the job market is headed in the next few months. The general agreement seems to be this: we're not officially in a recession, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be looking for ways to protect your job. While I'll get to some of the suggestions in a minute, one of the things that bothers me the most about these conversations is the emphasis on the fact that the worst time to be looking for a

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What Does Retirement Look Like to You?

On The Job

Many of us spend a lot of time thinking about how to reach our career goals. From the time we enter the workforce, we are told by those more experienced to always keep our goals in minds, and work on the strategies we need to meet them. But as the more experienced, job savvy workers begin to retire, it appears they may not be following the advice they've been so keen on giving younger workers.

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Mandatory COVID Vaccination Policy Template

New vaccine mandates and testing policies will affect employers with more than 100 workers. Get Paycor’s free, customizable vaccination policy template to communicate critical details and new requirements to your employees. Get Paycor’s Template today!

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Young Workers "Amped Up" and Ready to Go

On The Job

Shawn Graham is an associate director with the MBA Career Management Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hills' Kenan-Flagler Business School. He is also author of "Courting Your Career: Match Yourself with the Perfect Job". I recently asked him some questions regarding young workers: You are on the front lines of helping college graduates and young professionals find a job.

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The Paperless Society: A dream or a necessity?

Laughing all the Way to Work

There is a lot of talk about the paperless society, but as I look at the office today I can see we still have a long way to go. We have made impressive strides in that direction however with the use of e-mail, word processing, document management systems and the ability to scan documents. E-magazines, blogs and feeds are now readily available to pass on information, and I have seen the early stages of on-line books that you can take along with you just as we do with paper books today.

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Messing With Your Tired Head

On The Job

Here's some breaking news: This Tidbit Tuesday post has absolutely nothing to do with Britney Spears. There's no footage of her visiting Starbucks, Taco Bell or a gas station. But there is a little Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock today, but I swear it has to do with the workplace. * Romancing Romo: There's been some discussion about whether celebrity/pop star/hair extension mogul Jessica Simpson had anything to do with the loss of the Dallas Cowboys in Sunday's game against

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Finding Time for Fitness

Laughing all the Way to Work

I had been going to the gym for three years with no results. I was discouraged. I wasn't gaining weight, but I wasn't losing any either. Where were all the toned muscles I had expected? I was also getting bored with the same routine. So I did what many people do after their initial zeal – I quit! I browsed around looking for another fitness place to go to where I might be more motivated.

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Best Practices to Streamline Compensation Management: A Foundation for Growth

Speaker: Joe Sharpe and James Carlson

Payroll optimization can be one of the most time-consuming and complex factors of small business management. Yet, organizations that crack the code on streamlining employee compensation often discover innovative avenues for growth. With the right strategies in place, outsourcing and streamlining payroll processes can result in substantial time and resource savings.

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Discussing Politics at Work

On The Job

After this last weekend, I knew I couldn't put off writing about this any longer. I need to write about politics. Well, more specifically, about what's being said in politics these days and what will be said in the months to come. As the presidential races heat up, the talk is getting a bit harsher from all involved. Race and gender biases by various candidates are being subtly -- and not so subtly -- bandied about.

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Excuse the interruption: What to do about unwelcome e-mails?

Laughing all the Way to Work

It is always difficult to know what to do when a friend or co-worker sends you lengthy joke e-mails or funny pictures and chain e-mails at work. You don't want to hurt their feelings, but if you are like me you just don't have time for them at the office. I personally don't even like receiving most of them at home, unless they are sent personally to me by a friend and it is something they know I will get a chuckle out of or that I am interested in.

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Do any of these sound familiar?

Laughing all the Way to Work

I was transcribing a particularly long dictation and as I was coming to the end of it I heard my boss say three words that sounded like music to my aching ears - “End of Tape”. Here are a few others that I hear often and thought maybe you could relate to: "Why didn't I know about that meeting?" (Maybe they didn't look in their calendar!) "I just sent you an e-mail" (and then they proceed to tell you what they said in the e-mail) "You mean, she (your bosses' wife) didn't leave her phone number.

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Is it E-mail or Email and does it matter?

Laughing all the Way to Work

The full name is electronic mail and I have seen it written either e-mail or email. Judith Kallos of Netmanners.com has written four books on the subject of e-mail etiquette so I asked her and she said the correct spelling is e-mail and she got her information from the "Chicago Manual of Style". So there you have it folks. E-mail is correct! Whichever way you choose to write it you need to be consistent throughout your document.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!