Sat.Sep 14, 2024

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How To Finance Higher Education On A Budget


Financing higher education to advance career goals can be daunting. As a Manhattan public school teacher, I’m required to complete a master’s degree within the next four years to maintain my certification. Saving for grad school on a teacher’s salary in an expensive city is challenging, especially without familial help. Luckily, I’ve found research tactics, scholarships and financial strategies to support my education without relying on loans.

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How to Deal With Social Exhaustion as an Introvert or Extrovert


I love to socialize and connect with others, but at some point, I hit a wall. I want to curl up into a ball, watch TV and disconnect from the world. While many people who experience social exhaustion would love to escape some situations to decompress at home and find time to replenish, sometimes we just can’t step away. For example, you may feel social fatigue if you have to attend an all-day conference, work a long day at the office or join an event with family or friends.