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Flex Spaces Are Taking Over London’s Business Scene


Recent survey results published by flexible workspace provider Orega show how flex spaces are influencing workplaces across the U.K., leading many businesses to favor them over traditional office spaces. Both employers and employees are increasingly embracing flex space as a practical work environment solution. Over half (55%) of businesses surveyed say they now utilize some form of flexible office space.

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SMART Goals for Administrative Assistants

Office Dynamics

Imagine a professional navigating their career without any set goals, vision, or direction. This individual drifts from task to task, lacking purpose and a clear sense of progression. Without goals, there is no measure of success or a roadmap to steer towards growth and development.

Goals 246

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LinkedIn Co-Founder Reid Hoffman Predicted the Majority of Traditional 9-5s Might Disappear in the Future. Workplace Experts Are Forecasting 4 More Changes  


What will your workday look like in a decade? If you’re lucky enough to be nearing retirement , your answer might be “nonexistent.” For the rest of us, it could be a whole lot different, at least according to LinkedIn Co-Founder Reid Hoffman. In 2017, he predicted that the majority of jobs will be flexible within the next 30 years. But before we brush him off as just one voice among the future-of-work prediction makers, let’s take a look back at 1997.

2017 246
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Did you hear the one about offices and creativity?

Workplace Insight

There is a famous episode of Seinfeld in which the character George is insulted in a business meeting and only thinks of a perfect retort while driving away from the office. This being George, he decides that he doesn’t want to waste his ‘killer line’ so engineers a second meeting so he can use it with the person who had insulted him, only for it to blow up in his face yet again.

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Grow Big, Pay Smart: How To Unlock Efficiency In Payroll Management

Speaker: Joe Sharpe and James Carlson

Running a small business is no small feat. Payroll management, in particular, can be one of the most time-consuming and complex parts of that equation. Yet, businesses that crack the code on streamlining these processes often discover not just savings, but new avenues for growth. Our expert speakers will share actionable insights and real-world examples of how businesses have reduced overhead and improved payroll efficiency.

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Episode 548: Leo Babauta Talks About the Power of Slowing Down and Intentional Living


In this special Flashback Friday episode, I’m revisiting a conversation I had with my long-time friend and the founder of Zen Habits, Leo Babauta. This episode offers timeless insights into slowing down, living intentionally, and focusing on what truly matters. In 2024, Leo and I caught up to reflect on how much – or how little – has changed since our initial conversation.

2011 98
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Gen-Z Rejects Middle Management in “Great Unbossing” Trend


Over half of Gen Z professionals have expressed a strong reluctance to take on middle management roles. This emerging workforce trend, known as “conscious unbossing,” marks a departure from the career trajectories favored by older generations. New research conducted by the talent solutions firm Robert Walters highlights that 52% of Gen Z professionals are against becoming middle managers — viewing these roles as high stress with low rewards.

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Disney Ditches Slack After Data Breach: Learn 6 Ways to Secure Your Info When Using the Platform


Concerns about the security of business communication tools like Slack have surfaced following the massive data breach that hit The Walt Disney Company over the summer. The debacle prompted Disney to announce in an email to staffers last week that it would remove Slack from all of its business units by the end of its next fiscal quarter and move forward with new internal tools.

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One in four people have turned down a job because they hated its office environment

Workplace Insight

Almost a quarter (23 percent) of people say that they have turned down a job because they didn’t like the office environment, according to a new poll. This rose to almost a third (32 percent) for 18 – 24-year-olds indicating the need for a high-quality office environment for the younger generation. Geographically, workers in the capital are most likely to pass on a job based on the office surroundings, with a third (32 percent) of London based workers admitting to declining a role for this reaso

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Top Challenges Law Firms Face When Hiring Executive Assistants or Paralegals and How Agencies Can Help

C-Suite Assistants

Law firms face many hurdles in trying to run a successful business. One of the most significant challenges is finding highly skilled executive assistants (EAs). According to the Association of Legal Administrators (ALA), half of all legal assistants are at least 45 years old, and 38% of law firms are expected to lose 20-40% of their support staff in the next five years due to retirement.

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89% of Professionals in Asia Want a Four-Day Workweek, But Employers Are Less Enthusiastic


New research shows the concept of a four-day workweek is gaining traction in Asia as both companies and employees search for greater work-life balance and increased productivity. Amid rising business costs and an aging labor force , the idea has become more than just a fringe concept — it’s now a serious consideration for businesses across the region.

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Mastering Remote Onboarding: Proven Strategies for Seamless New Hire Integration

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

Join this brand new webinar with Tim Buteyn to learn how you can master the art of remote onboarding! By the end of this session, you'll understand how to: Craft a Tailored Onboarding Checklist 📝 Develop a comprehensive, customized checklist that ensures every new hire has a smooth transition into your company, no matter where they are in the world.

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Episode 549: Tamsen Webster Talks About Lasting Change and the Power of Communication


In this episode of A Productive Conversation, I sit down with Tamsen Webster , renowned messaging strategist, keynote speaker, and author of the upcoming book, Say What They Can’t Unhear: The Nine Principles of Lasting Change. We dive deep into the principles behind lasting change, communication strategies, and how these concepts align with her broader body of work.

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Dealing With Feeling Overwhelmed At Work And In Life In General


It’s an average Tuesday afternoon: you have two kids who need to be at football and drama practices miles apart. You also have a client who won’t stop emailing revisions to a presentation that was due last week. On top of it all, your car is making a weird clanging noise and your dog has kennel cough from his doggy daycare visit. Feeling overwhelmed?

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Hybrid working may just be a kink in the road to something better

Workplace Insight

When you fixate on deciding precisely how much time everybody has to spend in an office, somebody is going to decide the answer is five days. The peculiar obsession with pronouncing the answer to be two days or three days can be dated back to 2020 when a load of people who had never previously taken much interest in the matter decided to reinvent a world that had never existed, by replacing it with something that couldn’t exist.

2019 85
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How I Would Build a Successful Online Business from Scratch

Jennie Lyon

What would happen if I woke up tomorrow and my business was gone? Here’s how I would build a successful online business from scratch if I had to start over! So, I’ve been a digital marketing agency owner for over 20+ years, and needless to say, my business has changed so much in the last… The post How I Would Build a Successful Online Business from Scratch appeared first on Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing and Virtual Assistant Services Inc.

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Unlock Your Productivity: Simple Steps for Every Professional

Unlock your full potential with our comprehensive guide on productivity. This detailed resource explores the three fundamental pillars of effective task management: Todo List Mastery, Time Management, and Habit Optimization. Learn to capture and prioritize your tasks effectively, schedule them using proven strategies like the Pomodoro Technique, and maintain your productivity through consistent habit tracking.

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Why Inclusive Design Is The Key To Equitable Workspaces In The Future of Work


Inclusive design focuses on creating spaces that cater to a diverse range of human abilities and experiences, aiming for equitable access and comfort rather than just meeting functional minimums. Implementing inclusive design requires involving diverse user groups in the design process, balancing competing needs, and employing varied design elements like zones, materials, colors, and lighting to accommodate different users.

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Breaking Free from the 24/7 Hustle: My Journey to Success Without Overwork

Tips From T. Marie

You’ve seen it—the endless way society glorifies the grind, as though working yourself to the bone is the only way to succeed. But let’s be real, that’s not the key to building a thriving business. In fact, working yourself ragged is probably holding you back. Speaking from 17 years of experience as a solopreneur, I can tell you that success isn’t about burning the midnight oil; it’s about making smarter choices with your time.

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The Gig Economy Is A Game-Changer


It has been exciting to participate in and observe how the gig economy is reshaping the multimedia industry. At the intersection of technology and creativity, the gig economy is not just a trend; it has fundamentally changed how we think about work, talent and business. Gone are the days when content writers, graphic designers, video editors and photographers were confined to traditional employment.

2024 130
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The future of procurement: navigating a digital and strategic evolution

Workplace Insight

In recent years, procurement has transformed from a back-office function to a strategic driver of business value. As global supply chains become more complex and businesses strive for greater efficiency, sustainability, and agility, the future of procurement is set to change even more dramatically. Technological innovations, data-driven insights, and a shift in priorities are reshaping the way organizations manage their sourcing, purchasing, and supplier relationships.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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Silicon Valley’s Office Market Rebound? Investors Make Major Property Transactions


Several large business campuses in Silicon Valley have changed ownership as the region’s tech industry adapts to a future defined by more stringent hybrid work policies and new office space needs. A large reason for new activity is the substantial decreases in property values. CoStar reports that real estate investment firm SC Properties acquired a three-building campus known as San Mateo Gateway Center for $37.5 million — significantly less than its $87.5 million acquisition price five yea

2020 201
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10.5% Of Prime-Age U.S. Men Are Choosing Not To Work


A growing number of men in their prime working years are opting out of the U.S. labor force, and it’s causing concern among economists. As of August 2024, approximately 10.5% of men aged 25-54 (about 6.8 million individuals), are neither employed nor seeking employment, according to recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The 10.5% is more than three times the percentage recorded in 1955 — when only 3% of men were in similar positions, according to Business Insider.

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Scotland To Emulate Ireland’s Thriving Coworking Network


Coworking solutions are being considered as a viable way to benefit rural communities and promote economic development in Scotland. The Scotsman reports the country is taking inspiration from Ireland’s thriving coworking hub scene to revitalize rural communities. It’s reported that Ireland’s Connected Hubs network contributes an estimated €1 billion annually to local economies.

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Unprepared Executives Risk $3.1 Trillion Loss Without AI Strategy For Sustainability


Climate change is causing significant financial damage, and without intervention, global costs could reach $3.1 trillion annually by 2050. AI can help optimize energy use, streamline supply chains, and improve climate modeling, but its own environmental footprint needs to be managed. There is a pressing need for education and training in AI and sustainability, as many executives are unclear on how to effectively implement AI for sustainability goals.

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Elevating the Virtual Interviewing Experience

Sharing your authentic self in a virtual interview can be an unwanted challenge. How do you break through the digital barrier when conducting a virtual interview and share your exceptional self? Think in unconventional ways to elevate the virtual interviewing experience.

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Study Shows Small Reduction In Smartphone Use Improves Work Motivation


A recent study suggests that curbing smartphone usage by just one hour per day could significantly improve employee satisfaction and motivation in the workplace. The study, published by German Center for Mental Health , examined the effects of reduced screen time on work satisfaction and overall employee well-being. The study divided participants into four groups based on daily behaviors.

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Forget Ping Pong Tables, The Metaverse Might Be Your Next Coworking Perk


The metaverse allows coworking spaces to design custom virtual environments that boost collaboration through immersive experiences. By transcending physical boundaries, the metaverse enables coworking operators to attract a diverse, global membership, offering inclusive environments regardless of geographic location or physical ability. Coworking operators can host unique virtual events, offer tiered memberships, and create mentorship programs, all while tapping into a burgeoning market.

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New Survey Reveals The Top 5 Rudest Workplace Behaviors (Are You Guilty?)


Workplace etiquette isn’t just about being polite — it could also play a significant role in your career trajectory. A recent survey by Monster reveals that workplace etiquette — or the lack thereof — could be a major factor in employees’ decisions to stay or leave their jobs. Furthermore, the survey highlights that poor manners in the workplace can have a direct impact on how coworkers perceive you, which in turn affects opportunities for collaboration, promotion, and overall caree

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Port Strike Threatens to Disrupt Supply Chains Amid Rising Automation and Labor Conflicts


U.S. companies reliant on East and Gulf Coast seaports are racing to find logistical workarounds ahead of a looming strike by the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) union. Reuters reports that the potential strike , set for October 1, threatens to disrupt critical sea routes and cripple key economic sectors just weeks before the U.S. presidential election, highlighting concerns over workforce stability and the fragile state of the economy.

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Is Training the Right Solution?

Speaker: Tim Buteyn

Let's set the scene: you’ve identified a critical performance gap in your organization and need to close that gap. A colleague suggests training, but you suspect there’s something going on that training can’t address. How can you determine if training is the right solution before you commit your budget and resources to a new training program? In this webinar, you will learn how to determine if training is the right solution using the Behavior Engineering Model.

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79% of Flex Office Providers Plan to Expand in The Next Two Years


The flexible office space sector is set for significant growth over the next two years, with European providers actively pursuing new expansion strategies despite rising operational costs. Data from Instant Group’s “2024 Global Partner Survey Report” shows operators worldwide are remaining optimistic about flexible work environments and their role in the future of work.

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U.K. Employers Plan Smaller Pay Increases for 2025


Just as economic news starts to sound optimistic, a survey by Incomes Data Research (IDR) reveals many U.K. employers plan to reduce pay raises in 2025. Nearly two-thirds of the 100 employers surveyed intend to offer smaller pay raises compared to 2024. This is a notable increase from the 53% recorded last year. The report shows 45% of organizations are looking to implement pay increases ranging from 3% to 4% in 2025.

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WEF Expects 23% of Jobs Will Change by 2027 Because of AI and Economic Trends


New research shows that workers’ ability to transition into emerging roles will be a key factor in determining whether they experience success or fall behind in the future of work. The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) latest white paper , “A Global Framework for Enabling Transitions to the Jobs of Tomorrow,” examines how trends in technology, the economy, and climate change are disrupting the global labor market, and making job transitions more critical than ever.

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Amazon Workers Push Back Against 5-Day Office Mandate


Amazon employees are letting their voices be heard following the company’s announcements to revert back to a traditional five-day in-office workweek starting January 2025. Fortune reports that the change has provoked widespread dissatisfaction within Amazon’s workforce, as revealed through anonymous surveys and internal feedback within the company.

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Mandatory COVID Vaccination Policy Template

New vaccine mandates and testing policies will affect employers with more than 100 workers. Get Paycor’s free, customizable vaccination policy template to communicate critical details and new requirements to your employees. Get Paycor’s Template today!